Increasing WayBetter’s trial-to-paid conversion rate with a personalized weight-loss plan.

By creating a personalized weight-loss plan of fitness, nutrition, and mindset games for customers to view and try during their trial period, we significantly increased trial-to-paid conversion rate.

Project details

Project type

0 > 1

My role

Lead Product Designer

Other contributors

Product Manager, User Researcher, Illustrator, Engineering, Data Lead

Duration of design phase

2 months

The problem

Customer problem

84% of trial users are cancelling because the app lacks a personalized weight loss plan.

Business problem

The trial-to-paid conversion rate is too low.

The goal

Create an MVP version of a personalized weight-loss plan that provides trial customers enough confidence that WayBetter can help them lose weight in order to convert to a paid member.

Product goal metric

Retention • Increase trial-to-paid conversions

My role + steps taken


  • Partnered with the Lead UXR to learn about customer pains, needs, and define feature direction

  • Conducted user interviews with: recently cancelled customers and customers still in their trial

  • Gathered competitive analysis of weight loss apps and plan experiences

  • Mapped out holistic user journey from initial sign-up to first-time app experience


  • Led cross-functional design ideation sessions to gather perspectives from across our team

  • 3x a week syncs to keep the team updated on research and findings

Design & testing

  • Designed rapid concepts and hi-fidelity prototypes for testing and feedback

  • Conducted usability testing to confirm the solution was usable


  • Worked directly with development to align on expectations, ensure design quality and cohesion

  • Updated the design system with new components


Iterative rapid concepts

To get to a final MVP experience that we felt confident would solve the main problem, I worked with a User Researcher on an iterative process of testing different concepts against each other with customers who had recently cancelled their trial.


A/B testing quick concepts through video interviews


10 users who recently cancelled their trial

What I needed to find out

  • How much choice do users want in their plan, and why?

  • What’s the best way to provide structure in the plan?

  • Is the plan recommending relevant and personalized games?

  • Do users feel more confident in this new approach to convert to a paid member?

  • Are users able to complete key tasks in these concepts?

Example rapid concept test:

Test A: Gamified concept

Low input, high structure, fun and different

Test B: Traditional concept

High input, low structure, familiar

Key findings:

  1. Users need us to provide them with structure, but still want flexibility to change a game if necessary.

  2. Users are most motivated by “leveling up” through a gamified approach rather than a traditional timeline plan they’ve used before.

  3. Users need to feel we’ve personalized their experience enough to feel most confident in the plan.

The Customer’s Journey (Before)

Full existing flow: Initial sign up to in-app experience

From initial sign up to in-app onboarding experience. I know it’s tiny to see but the point is that I make sure to map out all screens the customer goes through to give me full context of their journey to empathize with their pains and needs along the way.

Existing (before) onboarding experience

Top comments from qualitative research on the existing in-app onboarding experience.

Top customer needs for the plan

The UXR, Product Manager and I synthesized and prioritized what core needs to focus on for this MVP version of a personalized plan.


Cross-functional prioritization exercise

Throughout this whole project, I collaborated closely with a Product Manager, a UXR, a Data Lead, and an Engineer Lead.

Here is an example of an exercise to prioritize insights from initial user interviews.

Design solution & usability testing

The solution

To recap, the goal of the project was to design an intuitive MVP solution that provides customers a personalized plan to help them feel confident that they will lose weight with WayBetter.

The top focus areas based on customer research prioritization were: personalization, game recommendations, gamification, and progress.

Clearly showing progress in their plan

On the main “My plan” screen, not only can they see the progress status of the games they are in, but as they go deeper into joining and playing a game, they can view progress of activities.

Gamified elements to keep users motivated

We knew users were coming to us for accountability to reach their health goals. By incorporating gamified elements into the experience, users felt more motivated by “leveling up” as opposed to a more traditional health plan. Users felt accomplished by completing bite-sized goals that contributed to their overall health plan.

Welcoming the user in and showing we know them

After signing up, customers felt confused when opening the app for the first time, as they did not feel welcomed into the product or understand what to expect.

By adding simple personal touches based on data they entered during sign up, customers felt more confidence that their plan suited their unique needs.


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